On a daily basis, consumers are subject to countless advertisements and news clips detailing what should and should not be eaten. And while new diets emerge every day, rarely is it the case that we are not asked to give something up. No-carb, smaller portions, low-fat, vegan, dairy-free, salt-free, raw, or here’s an all time favorite, the grapefruit diet. The truth of the matter is, with stress, obesity, and heart disease on the rise, we could all use some time to sit back and ponder our health habits. We could also use the time to correct bad habits by acting in ways that serve to improve our health. But isn’t it about time we pulled away from the restrictive “diet” approach and considered something new; an approach that adds to our lives to enhance our well-being, rather than constantly taking things away? At GREENandSAVE, we think so, and we think a great way to bring joy to your life is to add some Zen with yoga.
Yoga is a long-practiced spiritual and ascetic discipline of Hinduism and Buddhism throughout Southern Asia. There are many variations of yoga, but the majority includes breath control, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures. Generally, yoga seeks to achieve health, relaxation, and heightened consciousness, but the positive advantages of yoga are endless.
Yoga’s benefits consist of increased energy, better strength and balance, toned muscles, enhanced flexibility, fit joints, ligaments, and tendons, stimulation of body organs, cleansing of toxins and waste products, improved posture, and increased lung capacity. Yoga has extensive psychological benefits as well including decreased stress, body awareness, improved cognitive functioning, and relaxation. Research has also shown yoga therapy as an effective treatment for certain medical conditions such as hypertension and insomnia. Gyms across the country are introducing an assortment of yoga classes to their members, and yoga studios are growing in prevalence and popularity. Now that you have no excuse not to add yoga to your regimen, let’s talk about what you need.
Step 1: Motivation. Motivation, more or less, refers to the benefits outweighing the costs, so hopefully we have you convinced by now. Just make sure to revisit the benefits every so often to keep your motivation going strong.
Step 2: Buy a yoga mat. A good yoga mat is a must. Here at GREENandSAVE, we are all about the environment. That’s why we suggest that if you go yoga, go green. Jamz Fitness offers a great yoga set by six-time world body building champ, Corey Everson. The set includes a six foot elastic yoga strap and a cool reversible mat perfect for experienced yogis or those first starting out. Both the strap and mat are completely nontoxic and 100% biodegradable. You can check out some of these fitness products here.
Even the perfect yoga mat can’t stand up to the sweat you’re going to break once you get started. This is why our team at GREENandSAVE made a very crucial Step 3: Get your own SKIDLESS®! SKIDLESS® is a towel-like cover that goes between you and the yoga mat to provide a super-absorbent hygienic layer that prevents slipping.
The company that specializes in the SKIDLESS® is yogitoes®. They have all different varieties and colors of their SKIDLESS® slips. At GREENandSAVE we tested yogitoes® newest product from the Altruism Chinese Element line in fire! The Chinese Element SKIDLESS® has eco-friendly silicone nubs that keep you in place when you down dog and don’t have a harmful effect on the environment.
They also have fun yoga accessories and attire. Their organic cotton yoga flare pants are adorable for hitting a class or lounging at home, and their spandex shorts made from bamboo fiber have antibacterial and deodorized elements. Hello Bikram!
Forget counting calories and measuring cups. Yoga is a fun way to burn calories, look good, and feel great. You have the tools now go find a class near you! Namaste!
GREENandSAVE.com is a free resource for anyone that wants to save energy, money, and the environment. The articles, product reviews, online tools, and return on investment calculations are researched from a diverse range of public and private sector sources. Overall, the company is passionate about saving money as well as creating healthy homes, offices, and lifestyles.
For more information, check out GREENandSAVE.com’s take on a Green and Healthy Lifestyle. Or, for a better idea of what projects will be cost-efficient in the long run, take a look at their Return on Investment Table for Green Home Remodeling Projects.