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The Energy Intelligence Center (EIC) has a strategic partnership with Jordan Energy which is a top solar solutions provider. This article includes some highlights as well as Solar power news in Illinois. EIC’s initial founder, Charlie Szoradi, has a long-standing relationship with Jordan Energy’s founder, Bill Jordan. Charlie engaged Bill and his team for the solar system on Charlie’s beach house in Stone Harbor, New Jersey. Charlie also recently introduced Jordan Energy to one of EIC’s largest clients for major industrial rooftop systems in Pennsylvania and Texas. Click to learn more about Sustainability_Charlie on Instagram. For his Youtube channel click here: Learn from Looking.
In our consulting and system design capacity, we focus on solutions and specifications that are agnostic to specific technology providers. We undertake rigorous due diligence to determine the performance of clean technologies across the dynamic sustainability marketplace. To learn more about solar power and other clean tech partnerships, Contact Energy Intelligence team.
Here is an example of some Solar Power News in Illinois:
Illinois solar industry optimistic again as new state law revives incentives
The website for Lisa Albrecht’s one-woman solar company brims with sunny enthusiasm, describing her as a “climate warrior” who “believes in rainbows and unicorns, is optimistic even when uncertain.”
But by late summer, even Albrecht felt her business outlook was dark. The legislation that was needed to restart the state’s solar market had still not passed, more than a year after solar incentives had run out just as the pandemic hit. Albrecht wondered how long she could even keep her company going.
“I was running on my last fumes. My solar opportunities were drying up,” she said.
In September, the legislature finally passed the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act, with substantial funding for solar incentives. Now Albrecht feels her prospects are again bright. She is ready to hire a new employee, and projects that had been put on ice are ready to ramp up.
“I’ve closed over a million dollars in projects since the legislation passed and I’m just a small company,” said Albrecht, a 14-year veteran of the solar industry who launched All Bright Solar in 2018 and works with several companies who do installation. “When we talk about the opportunity being massive, we mean it. If I can do that, companies that have bigger teams can do even more.”
Other solar developers in Illinois are similarly hopeful, with a new round of incentives in the form of renewable energy credits becoming available by December, and a funding stream that is expected to keep the program going at a steady clip for years to come.
“It feels like, finally, we have something we can bank on,” Albrecht said. “The biggest variable is just going to be … market demand, but more and more people are waking up to climate change and the business community is recognizing their responsibility in being part of the solution. I feel really optimistic and excited that Illinois is going to do its part and we can build an incredible industry.”