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Save 20% or more on HVAC. It’s important now more than ever for a sustainable future!
Optimizing PTAC units with a “smart” device is a fast, easy, and cost-effective way to achieve Commercial HVAC Energy Savings. A Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner is a type of self-contained heating and air conditioning system commonly found in: Hotels, Motels, Senior Housing Facilities, Hospitals, Condominiums, Apartment Buildings, and Add-on Rooms & Sunrooms.
Business owners and homeowners face increasing challenges with energy costs to save energy and money in New Hampshire. PTAC Energy Saver offers an Adaptive Climate Controller (ACC). It is a proven HVAC energy saving device that quickly installs on PTAC units. There are many companies that claim to produce energy savings, but the ACC device is multi-panted and proven over many years. Plus, it has extensive validation tests by organizations such as:
- ConEdison, Manhattan Plaza New York City
- Environmental Test Laboratory, Ohio
- EME Consulting Engineers (Third Party), Sponsored by NYSERDA, New York
- State University of New York, Oneonta, NY
- Tim Garrison (Third Party Testing)
- McQuay Cooling Tests
- Purdue University Tests (Phoenix)
- ConEdison Tests by ERS
Typically, when an HVAC system turns off, shortly after, the blower fan motor turns off. The ACC reprograms the blower fan not to shut off but to throttle back the rpm airflow to an exceptionally low speed, quiescent level airflow or “idle speed”. This allows for a gentle but continuous air movement into the building that helps keep equilibrium of climate conditions in the occupied space and saved energy.
PTAC Energy Saver can help you navigate the complexity of HVAC energy saving choices: CONTACT PTAC Energy Saver
Here is an example of some Commercial HVAC Energy Saving info for New Hampshire:
Despite Covid, NH has more than 20,000 energy jobs
Both solar power and energy efficiency jobs took a hit from Covid last year, but not as much as one might expect. Surprisingly both industries represent more employment than the traditional energy sector, according to a report released by the U.S. Department of Energy on Monday.
The report defines energy broadly. It encompasses everything from auto mechanics to those who weatherize homes. New Hampshire lags behind the rest of the nation in energy mainly because we don’t generate a heck of a lot of it. The state’s energy producing workforce consists of 10,253 jobs, less than 2% of our workforce. The percentage nationally is 2.6%.
But New Hampshire has more jobs in energy efficiency: 10,838. In the largest subcategory, high efficiency and renewable heating and cooling, there are 4,470 jobs that include those weatherizing homes to installing wood burning furnaces. That’s followed by 2,628 in Energy Star and efficient lighting and 2,214 jobs in traditional HVAC. If you break it down by industry sector, 6,465 are construction jobs.
While it’s nice that New Hampshire has so many jobs in energy efficiency, the bad news is that the state lost 1,075 of them, or nearly 10%, in 2020 compared to 2019.
Meanwhile in energy production, which encompasses generation, fuels and transmission, and distribution and storage, renewables play a hefty roll in two out of the three.
First, electric power generation employs some 5,626 New Hampshire workers. Within that, the biggest single category is solar (1,393), followed by wind (1,145) and other, which apparently is biomass (976). Natural gas generates 774 jobs.
Producing and handling the actual fuels only amounts to 1,261 jobs. Oil and petroleum accounts for 475 jobs, but woody biomass accounts for 398. Natural gas may be a power house in energy, but only 56 people were employed by the fuel. There is no “fuel” when it comes to solar, wind and hydro obviously.
Finally, there is transmission, which accounts for 3,366 jobs. There, traditional transmission and distribution accounts for 2,546 jobs, but the rest – or more than a fifth of jobs – are due to microgrid, smart grid and storage. Who would have guessed that?
Employment tied to motor vehicles accounts for a little more than 8,085 jobs, with the bulk (more than 5,200) employed not in manufacturing and selling them but in fixing them.