Indoor Farming plus Made in USA LED Grow Lights: Profile 1.19


Posted on Wednesday 2nd August 2017


This is one of the profiles in an ongoing series covering next generation agriculture. We are seeing an increased trend for indoor farming across the United States and around the world. This is a positive trend given that local farming reduces adverse CO2 emissions from moving food long distances. If you would like us to review and profile your company, just let us know! Contact Us

Company Profile: Green Sense Farms

Here is a great example of a vertical indoor leafy green production facility.

Here is some of the “About Us” content: We took an old idea and made it new. Green Sense Farms is transforming farming by growing leafy greens in stacking vertical towers, 365 days a year. We grow high quality crops consistently, using automated computer controls, which provide the precise amount of light, nutrients, water, temperature, and humidity, so we can harvest year-round.  

Our first farm was built in Portage, Indiana and made its first shipment to Whole Foods Midwest distribution center in March 2014 when it was -20 degrees Fahrenheit outside. 

We are a high tech agriculture company that is constantly innovating and developing better ways to grow indoors that use less energy, reduce greenhouse gas emission, minimize waste, and recycle water to produce the best crop. By putting these farms at the point of consumption and distribution, we reduce the amount of miles food travels and ensure that our produce is fresh and nutritious.

Green Sense Farms controls the entire process from seed to supermarket. We grow, pack, and ship our leafy green vegetables and comply with rigorous food safety and product traceability programs.

Here is the link to learn more:

The urban farming phenomenon isn't slowing down any time soon. To date, the cost of man made lighting has been a barrier for indoor agriculture. A new generation of LED lighting provides cost effective opportunities for farmers to deliver local produce. Warehouses and greenhouses are both viable structures for next generation agriculture. Here is one example of next generation made in USA LED grow light technology to help farmers: Commercial LED Grow Lights



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