Easy Lighting Upgrades brings convenience to commercial LED lighting retrofits


Posted on Tuesday 31st July 2018
easy lighting upgrades

Our GREENandSAVE staff knows all too well that one of the friction points in sustainable development is overcoming the motto, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Since we launched this online resource in 2007, we have been pleased to see a positive change in the mindset around energy-efficiency. In short, if the return on investment is within a few years vs a decade and the savings is meaningful at over 30% vs 10%, then homeowners and corporate decision makers will start to fix things that "ain't broke" but ARE wasteful.

Making changes at commercial business levels often involves multiple decision makers, and Easy Lighting Upgrades has made a case to make it as "easy" as possible for the stakeholders to upgrade their lighting to energy efficient LED technology. In may cases the existing lights are working, and the challenge for facility operators is to navigate the increasingly complicated world of LED lighting, rebates, sensors, etc.

Easy Lighting Upgrades, LLC is, "dedicated to providing the most cost-effective lighting, sensors, smart controls, and Internet of Things (IoT) monitoring systems to commercial and institutional property owners and managers. Over the past decade, our team has executed on successful lighting upgrades across almost every type of property."


This approach to supporting facility managers beyond the bulbs is a way to shift the decision toward the upgrade vs the alternative of waiting for the bulbs to burn out.


Easy Lighting Upgrades also helps make it "easy" for facility managers by digging deep into the assessment of the existing lighting with, "Investment Grade Lighting Audits (IGLAs) provide the necessary information to obtain funding for lighting upgrade projects. The scope of the audit includes a very detailed inventory of all fixtures and lighting controls, proposed upgrade solutions and their capital costs, operating cost savings and economic paybacks (both on individual areas/systems and the entire facility). Easy Lighting Upgrades Investment Grade Audits are both comprehensive and lighting manufacturer agnostic. Our real-world experience with implementing lighting upgrades translates into a high quality and accurate report that customers can make investment decisions from."

The accuracy of the reporting is also most likely welcomed by facility managers, who want to get the right information to take to their team and make value added decisions. 

Our GREENandSAVE team believes that MEASUREMENT IS THE KEY TO MANAGEMENT, with lighting and energy audits as a great way to measure what you have in order to inform what you may need.

For more see: Easy Lighting Upgrades

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