Commercial AC Energy Cost Savings in Colorado


Posted on Wednesday 30th September 2020
Colorado Cooling Energy Usage Map


Our GREENandSAVE Staff is always on the lookout for cost-effective energy savings to help businesses in Colorado become more sustainable. The Energy Intelligence Center has developed some excellent Chiller Plant Energy Savings ranging from 15% to 40% via their OptikW algorithmic software platform. The software solutions do not require new equipment and the compensation for the services is paved on the savings generated. This is a win/win for businesses and the environment.

Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Optimization are core strengths of the Energy Intelligence Center. As sensor and control technology continues to improve, their team has demonstrated proven results using their advanced logic that leverages ambient conditions like temperature, humidity, and dew point to optimize HVAC systems.

If you would like us to profile your company's technology, please Contact Us so that we can review your offering.

For an example of other sustainability solutions in Colorado, see:

“A new report out today in Colorado envisions a future where every community can enjoy clean air and water, every family can afford to warm their home in the winter, every Coloradan can participate in and build a clean and just economy, and every household can avoid the worsening wildfires, droughts, and floods that climate change is already bringing to our doorsteps. 

The report, ‘Committing to Climate Action: Equitable Pathways for Meeting Colorado's Climate Goals,’ brings together new analysis from Evolved Energy Research, GridLab, NRDC, Physicians, Scientists, and Engineers for Health Energy (PSE), and Sierra Club to outline pathways for the state to take effective climate action and achieve the statewide greenhouse gas emissions reductions required by House Bill 1261. The report also analyzes the health and equity implications of each pathway to chart how various solutions, timelines, and delays impact air pollution and energy costs that most heavily burden Colorado’s low-income communities and communities of color.

Colorado policymakers have an opportunity to foster a rapid transition to clean energy that results in steep reductions in deadly air pollution. Our analysis shows they can achieve this transition and meet the state’s climate goals with little to no increase in energy costs—and potentially even savings. When planning this transition, Colorado policymakers must ensure that low-income communities, communities of color, and high-pollution communities feel the full benefits of pollution-reducing and cost-saving clean energy technologies.”

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