GREEN Thanksgiving


Posted on Friday 25th November 2016



Our GREENandSAVE Staff is thankful for all of you that take the time to review our content and in most cases provide very construction and positive feedback! Since launching in 2007, we have seen a dramatic rise in the level of sophistication in cleantech products and sustainability services. We have also seen a welcomed lift in the awareness of how cleantech can create jobs, deliver cost-effectively operating expense reduction, and help promote environmental stewardship - triple win. Thank you to all of the inventors and entrepreneurs that have tenaciously engaged in this exciting new energy revolution and sustainability solution marketplace.

We hope that you all enjoyed the holiday and that you also enjoy the leftovers this weekend. Out of the three "Rs" you may not REDUCE your waste line but you hopefully got to REUSE some favorite old family recipes and also took the time to RECYCLE whatever appropriate food packaging you used along the way.  If the lights over your table were not energy-efficient LEDs, then hopefully by next year, you will have switched!

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