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This week’s Green Spotlight is on Toby Hemenway. Author of Gaia’s Garden: A Guide to Home Scale Permaculture, he is one of the most well-regarded home-scale permaculturalists in the world, and has had the best-selling Permaculture book for the past six years to prove it.
Toby Hemenway obtained his degree in biology from Tufts University and worked as a researcher in genetics and immunology at various Universities and biotech companies. A career change from biotechnology lead him to permaculture - a design approach based on ecological principles to create sustainable landscapes, homes and workplaces. He was an associate editor for Permaculture Activist and is also a published writer whose articles have been included in Whole Earth Review, Natural Home, and Kitchen Gardener. Toby has written extensively about ways in which permaculture and the rules of permaculture can be applied to everyday life to create spaces with a better flow.
In addition to teaching, consulting, and lecturing on ecological design around the country, Toby Hemenway is also an adjunct professor at Portland State University and a Scholar in Residence at Pacific University. His current work is centered on developing urban sustainability resources in Portland, OR.
Toby’s work has been both interesting and inspiring to many ecologically conscious people. By working to educate the masses on the rules and benefits of permaculture he has changed the way people view the world and has opened eyes and hearts to a more sustainable way of living.
Hemenway currently resides on the West Coast, but will be in the Delaware Valley region towards the end of September to speak at the Energy & Sustainability Conference hosted by the University of Delaware and Solar Hydrogen Igert on September 23rd- 25th, 2010. In addition, he will be holding a workshop at the Delaware Center for Horticulture on Sunday, September 26th and a book signing at Swarthmore College on Monday, September 27th.