The 5 Important Things to Consider in Choosing LED Lights

Hi! I’m Emma Clark from The Art of Home Renovations, an interior designer with one true passion: home improvement. With my experience and skill, I want to help you make your home into a revolutionary & magical work of art through easy, inexpensive, and innovative ideas that you can DIY!

Posted on Tuesday 7th March 2017


Light bulbs are essential in homes. Each room should have its own source of light and installing a light fixture is usually done by many homeowners. However, light bulbs can take a bulk of the electric bill, so what can we do to alleviate this? That’s where LED lights come in – they provide a newer and more efficient way of providing light at a more affordable price.

What is LED Lighting?

Light Emitting Diode lights are the modern counterpart of their incandescent cousins. While CFL (compact fluorescent lamps) is more efficient than incandescent light bulbs, they contain toxic substances such as mercury and that’s where LED lights win over them. Compared to the old light bulbs, LED lights emit light in specific directions instead of producing light and heat in all directions. This makes LED lighting a more efficient way of proving light in terms of energy and cost. Over the course of many years, there has been increasing use of LED lights for homeowners around the world.

Things to Consider in Buying LED Lights

Given how they’re more energy efficient, the use of LED lights has been growing among homeowners. Since LED light fixtures are a better choice over incandescent and CFLs, there are things that you have to take note before buying LED lights.

Rooms You’ll Install Them In – One of the neatest things about LED light fixtures is their versatility. You can put them anywhere in your house. However, you still have to consider the kind of lights that you’ll use for a specific type of room. For example, it’s better to use one Independence LED parking garage fixture than four LED wall fixtures in a garage.

Positioning – The position of your light fixtures matter to maximize brightness. If you want a light at the center of the living room, a long light tube may be better than a single cylindrical bulb. On the other hand, hallway lamps only need to light the path, so a smaller bulb may do the job.

Lumens Over Watts – When looking at a light bulb, high watt usually means it’s brighter. But if you’re looking at LED lights, you need to look at lumens to know the brightness. Take a look at the Independence LED Remote Pendant System and notice how it only a 24-Watt bulb has 3100 lumens. That means it produces more light with less power consumption.​​​​​​​

Bulb Shape – Every bulb shape has its use. Small bulbs like the circular or spiral-shaped ones are best used for small rooms like the bathroom while the long LED strips are better to be used in wide rooms such as the dining room or the kitchen.​​​​​​​

Color – Gone are the days when lights are just white or yellow. LED lights come in different colors that you can choose from. There are even some that feature interchangeable colors. Your lights should also complement the surfaces of the room, for example, a simple white bulb is a good choice for a room with beautifully cut tiles for a floor.


Being more efficient and less costly than the traditional light bulbs, LED lights are certainly becoming more and more intriguing. But before you buy an LED light fixture, take note of these things as these will help you pick out the right size and design for your home.


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