Office Whole Building Fans

Spend $450 now and SAVE $125 each year... ROI = 27.8%

Across America many small businesses are in buildings that have been converted from homes or other types of buildings. For offices that are in properties that have attics, you can choose a high-performance whole Building Fan with quad motors, dual speed, quiet operation, small 'in-joist' bay ceiling installation , and less energy to draw more of the air. Flush the hot air out of your office, before you choose to turn on the Air Conditioning (AC)... if you even need it; remember that cooling an office accounts for 20% of it's annual energy costs. With 140 watts of power — a light bulb or two's worth, they use about 85% less electricity than your central AC. This whole building fan works on the same principal as an office outside air economizer.

The ROI Calculation is based on purchasing a 1 - 1.7 Cubic Feet per Minute (CFM) Fan. Each year, save over $100 and also reduce the maintenance needed on your AC. To get a $50 Tax Credit, choose an even more efficient gas, oil, propane furnace or hot water boiler with a minimum of 95 AFUE.

Time in
5 Year
Return on
3.6 $450 $125 $625 27.8%

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