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Our GREENandSAVE Staff is pleased to inform our members and readers about organizations that are helping to promote sustainability. If you would like us to profile your organization please Contact Us.
Student Farmers is actively looking to recruit a student ambassador in Minnesota, as well as farm mentors in Minnesota that can help guide students. Overall, student farming is a great way to reduce the distance from farm to table and increase health for students as well as their parents.
Here is an overview on Student Farmers
Student Farmers is a growing group of students who are committed to in-home and in-school sustainable farming as a means to promote physical fitness and environmental stewardship.
Our Mission: To improve health and nutrition education, combat the challenges of climate change, and support each other in generating some revenue to help pay for college.
Our Vision: To increase knowledge about the advantages of eating more heathy and locally grown vegetables across the range of high school and college age students. We also hope that many of the parents of the students will learn from their children’s engagement in our organization and adopt a diet with less processed foods to reduce the growing cost of healthcare.
Here is an example of an agriculture education program in Minnesota:
Minnesota State Students Visit Ziegler Farms
On April 18th, the Precision Ag team members spent an evening sharing their insight on precision agriculture with Minnesota State University freshman and sophomores. Students were part of the honors program and have been learning about how farmers today are stewarding the land and caring for animals in the agriculture industry in class.
The event was held at Ziegler farms, and students toured with Sam Ziegler, farm owner, who shared about his operation, the equipment/technology he uses, and where the crops he plants end up.
Jason Leary, Ag Technology Manager, and Tanner Clementz, Precision Ag Consultant, shared out precision ag can help farmers make informed decisions based on technology and data.
It was a great night for students, full of takeaways that can be used as they continue their education and begin to take steps into roles as part of the future of agriculture.