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Our GREENandSAVE Staff is pleased to inform our members and readers about organizations that are helping to promote sustainability. If you would like us to profile your organization please Contact Us.
Student Farmers is actively looking to recruit a student ambassador in Michigan, as well as farm mentors in Michigan that can help guide students. Overall, student farming is a great way to reduce the distance from farm to table and increase health for students as well as their parents.
Here is an overview on Student Farmers
Student Farmers is a growing group of students who are committed to in-home and in-school sustainable farming as a means to promote physical fitness and environmental stewardship.
Our Mission: To improve health and nutrition education, combat the challenges of climate change, and support each other in generating some revenue to help pay for college.
Our Vision: To increase knowledge about the advantages of eating more heathy and locally grown vegetables across the range of high school and college age students. We also hope that many of the parents of the students will learn from their children’s engagement in our organization and adopt a diet with less processed foods to reduce the growing cost of healthcare.
Here is an example of an agriculture education program in Michigan:
Student Organic Farm offers fresh vegetables to community
The MSU Student Organic Farm is joining farmers across the country to celebrate Community Supported Agriculture Week, a national event taking place from Feb. 20-26 to promote CSA and local food. To celebrate, the farm is offering their Summer CSA share to the MSU community and will also use social media to highlight alumni from the Organic Farmer Training Program offering similar programs in different parts of the state and country.
Members of Community Supported Agriculture programs not only enjoy the freshest veggies and fruits available, but also contribute to a resilient local food system. By purchasing a Summer CSA share in February, members allow farmers to have the financial resources they need to purchase seeds and equipment, make repairs and do the labor required to provide a full season of bounty. Additionally, membership to the Student Organic Farm CSA directly supports the education of the next generation of sustainable growers.
The MSU Summer CSA runs for 16 weeks from May 5 through Aug. 25 with pickups available on the farm and on campus at Bailey Greenhouse. There are three options available for individuals and households interested in accessing produce from the Student Organic Farm:
- Regular CSA Share: $576 ($36/week for 16 weeks.)
- Small CSA Share: $360 ($20/week for 16 weeks)
- Market Share: A pay-as-you-go account to make purchases through the SOF Online Store.
All members are welcome to make additional purchases through the Online Store, regardless of their membership type. (Orders must be placed before noon on Wednesday of delivery to give the crew time to harvest, wash and pack the produce.)
The pandemic drew new attention to the CSA model, as it provides a reliable, safe means of accessing fresh fruits and vegetables each week. The Student Organic Farm offers a no-contact drive-through pickup for its members and has many health safety protocols in place to ensure minimal risk for their members and crew. Memberships are expected to sell out again this year for farmers across the country, so CSA Week is a great time to sign up.
To sign up for the MSU Student Organic Farm Summer CSA, visit their website