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TIME TO ACT: Save 20% or more on HVAC. It’s important now more than ever for a sustainable future!
Optimizing PTAC units with a “smart” device is a fast, easy, and cost-effective way to achieve Residential HVAC Energy Savings. A Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner is a type of self-contained heating and air conditioning system commonly found in: Hotels, Motels, Senior Housing Facilities, Hospitals, Condominiums, Apartment Buildings, and Add-on Rooms & Sunrooms.
Business owners and homeowners face increasing challenges with energy costs to save energy and money in Missouri PTAC Energy Saver offers an Adaptive Climate Controller (ACC). It is a proven HVAC energy saving devicethat quickly installs on PTAC units. There are many companies that claim to produce energy savings, but the ACC device is multi-panted and proven over many years. Plus, it has extensive validation tests by organizations such as:
- ConEdison, Manhattan Plaza New York City
- Environmental Test Laboratory, Ohio
- EME Consulting Engineers (Third Party), Sponsored by NYSERDA, New York
- State University of New York, Oneonta, NY
- Tim Garrison (Third Party Testing)
- McQuay Cooling Tests
- Purdue University Tests (Phoenix)
- ConEdison Tests by ERS
Typically, when an HVAC system turns off, shortly after, the blower fan motor turns off. The ACC reprograms the blower fan not to shut off but to throttle back the rpm airflow to an exceptionally low speed, quiescent level airflow or “idle speed”. This allows for a gentle but continuous air movement into the building that helps keep equilibrium of climate conditions in the occupied space and saved energy.
PTAC Energy Saver can help you navigate the complexity of HVAC energy saving choices: CONTACT PTAC Energy Saver
Here is an example of some Residential HVAC Energy Saving info for Missouri:
With temperatures forecast to reach triple digits this week, Ameren Missouri is encouraging customers to stay safe by utilizing their air conditioners.
“You can take simple steps, such as closing the blinds or turning on ceiling fans, to reduce the strain on your air conditioner,” said Tony Lozano, director of energy solutions at Ameren Missouri.” We want everyone to stay safe and cool this summer.”
Ameren Missouri is also preparing for the hot weather and ready to respond to customer needs.
“We understand how important energy is to our everyday lives, especially in times of extreme heat,” said Tim Lafser, vice president of power operations at Ameren Missouri. “As the summer heat settles in, we want customers to know Ameren Missouri has enough energy available to cover theirneeds. Should the situation change, we will be proactive and reach out to customers.”Customers areurged to take advantage of available resources to safely navigate the summer heat and consider the following energy-saving tips to save on energy costs.
Ameren Missouri’s Cool-Down Tips:
1. Seek the shade. Keep curtains and drapes closed, especially during the afternoon, to reduce the heat indoors by 33%.
2. Feel the breeze. Set your ceiling fan to spin counterclockwise to create a cool breeze. Supplementing the air conditioner with a ceiling fan enables you to set the thermostat about four degrees higher without affecting your comfort.
3. Close off unused rooms. Close doors and air vents in rooms you aren’t using, so your air conditioner can focus on cooling the rest of the house.
4. Cook dinner outdoors. Grill dinner outside to reduce excess heat produced in the kitchen from large appliances.
5. Clean out air conditioner filters. Cleanout HVAC ducts and change the air filter so your air conditioner can run as efficiently as possible.
6. Reduce hot water use. Take shorter, coolers howers and use bathroom exhaust fans to remove heat and humidity.
7. Upgrade your thermostat. Install a smart thermostat that can be programmed to automatically run cooler when you are home and a bit warmer when you are out of the house. Upgrading to a smart thermostat can help save up to $180 in energy costs each year. For a limited time, customers can purchase a Sensi Wi-Fi Thermostat and Emporia Smart Plug for just $1 plus sales tax –a $138 value.
If you’re struggling to pay your utility bill, help is available. Reach out to Ameren Missouri or your local community action agency for assistance. Visit AmerenMissouri.com/EnergyAssistancefordetails on the variety of programs available to help customers offset energy costs this summer.
Rebates and savings opportunities on energy-saving products are available for customers at AmerenMissouriSavings.com. In addition to the $1 Sensi Wi-Fi Thermostat and Emporia Smart Plug offer, customers also have the option to purchase the advanced Sensi Touch Smart Thermostat and Emporia Smart Plug bundle for just $55.99 plus tax – a $123 value.