Natural Windbreaks are Best at Reducing Heat Loss

Home > Remodeling & Improvement > Landscaping and Gardening > Trees and Shrubs > Natural Windbreaks are Best at Reducing Heat Loss

Based on research by The Department of Environmental Protection, natural windbreaks are the most effective component in cutting winter heat loss. An energy savings of up to 40 percent is possible from diminished wind velocity and reduced air infiltration into your home. Considering the average heating bill, that could mean a savings of up to $400 per winter!

An excellent example of a wind screening tree is the thuja green giant. It was introduced for just this purpose by the U.S. National Arboretum. These trees can grow quickly, 3-5 feet per year, and has no serious pest or disease problems.

For top efficiency, place your evergreen trees perpendicular to the strongest winter winds. That’s usually on the north and northwest side of your home. Plant them in a “U” or “L” shape. Plant them 50 feet past the corner of each area to be sheltered for the greatest effect.

Small residential lot sizes can present a dilemma when planting a windbreak. Choose a variety with an upright, narrow shape like the Thuja Green Giant. You’ll take less of your prized yard space and won’t encroach on your neighbors.

Finally, decide how far apart to plant your trees. Plant them more closely to have them grow together quickly. Plant them farther apart to save money but wait a little longer for them to fill in.

There are many other benefits in planting a living windbreak like scenic beauty, privacy and noise reduction. But that extra money is going to feel pretty fantastic too!

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