Indoor Air Quality: Part 3

GREEN HOME SHOW #5: Indoor Air Quality: Part 3 Interview Questions for Senator Tom Carper is pleased to offer our members and website visitors original content that helps all of us save money and the environment. In addition to our ongoing research and writing on energy saving and home remodeling, we have partnered with THE GREAT GREEN HOME SHOW to offer you content like this that includes script excerpts from the weekly radio show. offers the exclusive world-wide on-demand access to the audio files, so you can now read and also listen for FREE to any of the shows at anytime. You can also learn about the show's co-hosts Paul and Doug. Click here to listen to the show of your choice: Green and Home Improvement Radio Shows

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The following content is from THE GREAT GREEN HOME SHOW #5.

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The content of the GGHS is solely the responsibility of the ECF and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of WILM, its sponsors or Clear Channel Radio. Any rebroadcast, reproduction or use of the Great Green Home Show or its contents without written permission from the Green Fox, Paul Hughes, Doug Hunt, Aunt Jean, Brenna Wallace, Brooke Chase, the Watson Brothers, The Snap and the Sin City Band is strictly prohibited.

Overall Segment #3 - 12:00

Welcome back - we are so pleased to have Senator Tom Carper here today .and we have a lot of questions so Senator welcome and thanks for coming on our show.

  1. So let's start with your Clean Air Initiatives. Can you start with the background for this and bring us up to the present legislation.
    1. What will that mean for us opportunity, taxes, changes in our daily life .?
    2. What can we do to further the work on clean air legislation?
  2. Your Thoughts On Wind power
    1. How much do you think it can contribute to our energy future
    2. Comments and thoughts on our present situation here in DE with BlueWater wind and Delmarva not being able to work out an alliance
  3. How is the political climate in Washington these days, as it relates to Green Issues and the Global Warming issue?
    How do you see the future in congresses motion... twords an action plan .
  4. What do you see as the future make-up of energy sources over say the next 25 years? What combination of alternatives and established Energy generators might be in use?
  5. Can you comment on the sprawl here in NCC . Specifically what is being planned or discussed ..what steps are being taken to preserve the open space that is left?
  6. Fun Question what do you and your family do around the house to reduce energy use, carbon footprint, and recycling?
  7. Any Bills before congress which may help reduce our dependence on foreign oil or reduce green house gasses .Investment or technology seed programs?
  8. Any other areas of discussion .. Bills you are working on that you would like to talk about .topics you want to cover?

Check the Radio Show Segments on for the ANSWERS!

Commercial Break - 2:10

Overall Segment #4 - 9:00

Welcome back as we are continue our conversation with Senator Tom Carper let's pick up where we left off you were talking about (CARPER continues) IF needed bring Local and Global News / New Technology/ cool stuff and ... . Report (Paul) - 4:00

Sign-off, thank sponsors, announce next week's guest (Paul) - 1:00
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CMI Electric
Energy Services Group, "Home of the House Doctors";
Option Insurance Group

Next week's guest is Dale Davis of CMI Electric Part 2 .Solar Power and You.

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