GREEN HOME SHOW #9: Solar Energy for homes: Part 1 Conserving and Saving energy is pleased to offer our members and website visitors original content that helps all of us save money and the environment. In addition to our ongoing research and writing on energy saving and home remodeling, we have partnered with THE GREAT GREEN HOME SHOW to offer you content like this that includes script excerpts from the weekly radio show. offers the exclusive world-wide on-demand access to the audio files, so you can now read and also listen for FREE to any of the shows at anytime. You can also learn about the show’s co-hosts Paul and Doug. Click here to listen to the show of your choice: Green and Home Improvement Radio Shows

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The following content is from THE GREAT GREEN HOME SHOW #9.

Copyright Disclaimer:

The content of the GGHS is solely the responsibility of the ECF and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of WILM, its sponsors or Clear Channel Radio. Any rebroadcast, reproduction or use of the Great Green Home Show or its contents without written permission from the Green Fox, Paul Hughes, Doug Hunt, Aunt Jean, Brenna Wallace, Brooke Chase, the Watson Brothers, The Snap and the Sin City Band is strictly prohibited.

Overall Segment #1 – 9:00

Music & Introduction (Paul) – 2:00

Introduction – Welcome & show explanation

Thank sponsors – Suntrust Mortgage, CMI Electric, Energy Services Group, and Option Insurance Group. Also, Mark Unruh for the great music…

Today’s guest(s) – Dale Davis 0f CMI electric with part of our Solar Power extravaganza… ok, solar installation special… it’s still really cool…

Today’s show topic or theme – Solar Power part Uno… Your home, Your Power, your Bill – Your choice, Our future

“Today we’re going to cover, active solar topics, the basics of solar power, solar terms and definitions, etc…

-we’ll discuss some of the credits rebates and money saving strategies involved and explore how to get Uncle Sam to pay for a portion of your system.”

This is so important because when the number of houses with solar systems on them reaches a number, say 5000 or more….we don’t need to build a new power plant…collectively they will become the equivalent of a clean one…That will be exciting won’t lets move on with the show…Doug?

Meet The Greens – 3:30 Sponsored by: Energy Services Group

911 Operator: 9-1-1, please state the nature of your emergency? Doris Green: I can’t take it any more, I just can’t take, yellow, blue, chartreuse, mauve, anything but Greeeen

911: Ma’am, calm down and speak slowly. Can you tell me what’s wrong? DG: Please, call God and have him take me NOW! I mean Now...I’m ready to go, I’m dressed and I have my affairs in order… I’ve lived a good life… I use low suds deteregent… (In the back ground you hear Ben Green come in the door) BG: Honey, Honeylisten to this... I coasted the car down every hill on the way home, and I shut the engine off at the traffic lights. We even pushed the car the last mile and a ½ and I think I beat my old record ...lets see… with the help of the kids and the dog pulling up hill I think we got about 62 miles to the gallon. Let’s see now, if I take out the back seats and put a small sail on the roof....DG: Do you hear that? I just can’t live like this any more! I just want a cigarette and a glass of single malt scotch and I’m ready to go. Please, come pick me up in the largest, SUV, gas pig you can find

911: Ma’am are you ok? We could send a…(The son, Toby, comes bopping in the door)

TG: Moooom, did you forget to check the recycle bins?...I mean, really MOM, what were you thinking? I found a can in the bottle know, they’re labeled and color coded for a reason.... and I see someone unhooked the hamster wheel from the toaster. How exactly am I supposed to make toast now? Can someone tell me why Spinner isn’t making electricity?!!!

DG: (Under her breath) He killed himself after you all left, because like me, he couldn’t take it anymore. (Out loud to Toby) The Hamster is just resting Dear.....Why not try an organically grown tofu and multi sprout, sesame seed, sunflower, spelt sandwich with unaltered organic tomatoes and real African Goats milk butter made from naturally raised Argentinean Beef... (To herself again) Oh my God! Now it’s happening to me... If I go to sleep tonight, I’ll wake up like them! Please, just light up my house and take us all out!.....Before I end up an organically grown pod person... I don’t want to be one of “them”!!! Take me now!!! (Just then Sally Green comes in her new green cheerleading outfit)

SG: MOM, you’ve just got to listen to my new cheer I made up at school while we were making recycled ear muffs for the homeless. They’re really cool! We put those little air freshener trees on each end of a bent hanger for warmth and maximum odor control... anyway…

DG: Please, dear LORD, give me some trans-fats and some high fructose corn syrup, to eat while I burn leaves and dump used motor oil down the sewer!!!

SG: Ok Mom, here goes: 1, 2, 3, 4 everyone’s gotta recycle more - 5, 6, 7, 8 planet’s burnin’ up and we cant wait - Gimme a “G”, Gimme an “R”, Gimme an “E”, Gimme an “E”, gimme an “N” – What’s that spell? What’s that spell? Grrrrrrrreeeeeeen!!!

DG: Operator are you still there? Please send over Dr. Kavorkian along with a Big Mac, fries and a shamrock shake, That should about do it....(In background, you hear Sally’s next cheer)

SG: R-E-C-Y-C-L-E - R-E-C-Y-C-L-E - recycle, recycle! R-E-C-Y-C-L-E - R-E-C-Y-C-L-E - recycle, recycle!

DOG: (John) woof woof DG: Get off the treadmill, Nader, I’m out of dog treats and I’m not cooking tonite....just sit and don’t worry about the generator for the TV!

911: Ma’am, I think I can need to hang up and Dial 471-666-6666 DG: And why am I doing that?

911: That’s the suicide hotline ma’am, I believe they can help....

Doug, what do we have next?

Today’s Green Tips (Paul) – 3:30 Sponsored by: Suntrust Mortgage of Christiana

Todays topic: Ways of using the Sun To conserve energy and serve up energy, and save energy

  1. Drying clothes..the simplest way
  2. Heating air, windows on south side of house, oversized and dark tile on capturing area...Knee wall with mass to capture heat
  3. Sunroom with vents into powered Fan for air flow
  4. Solar powered ceiling fans, and water pumps
  5. Skylights provides light and reduces use of interior lights
  6. Solar envelope design, heating house space
  7. Solar Oven....
  8. Solar panels on sunny side reflect heat and sun as they absorb it.
  9. Green house, growing your own food inside and out....
  10. Solar radiant floor heat, solar wall space air heaters....
  11. Solar electric power
  12. Solar power stored in Batteries
  13. Solar hot water for showers and clothes washing
  14. Dark Colored Rain Barrels with solar pumps to move water to destinations...
  15. Solar power converted to electricity to charge electric cars or plug in hybrids..

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