Pope Benedict, Vatican City Goes Green

Steph Helmig
Posted on Saturday 11th July 2009

When discussing issues surrounding Catholicism, the environment doesn’t usually come to mind. That is, until last year, when Pope Benedict XVI listed pollution as one of the seven social sins.

At a public mass in May, the Pope told attendees it is "up to them to save the planet from development that has often ignored nature's delicate equilibrium. Before it's too late, we need to make courageous choices that will recreate a strong alliance between man and Earth. We need a decisive 'yes' to care for creation and a strong commitment to reverse those trends that risk making the situation of decay irreversible."

On July 7, after two years of preparation, the Pope's 144-page encyclical was released, covering poverty, social responsibility, abortion and a new topic, the protection of our environment. Pope Benedict expressed that "the environment is God's gift to everyone," it is not to be wasted. The letter promoted future plans to lower energy consumption in more advanced societies and encourages research on alternative forms of energy.

The Vatican has already taken action, in their own area, to reduce their footprint. The roof of Paul VI hall has been restored with solar panels. The medieval village of Santa Maria di Galeria is working to build Europe's largest solar plant generating enough energy to power all of the Vatican City's 40,000 households. The Vatican is also considering an electric "Popemobile" motor vehicle and a solar heating system to heat and cool the Vatican cafeteria.

Please stay informed on the news of President Barack Obama's visit to the Vatican City to discuss numerous issues with the Pope, including the environment.

We can all find inspiration from the Vatican's efforts, including those towards renewable energy.

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