How To Choose Sustainable Coffee

Bethany North, The Coffee Bump
Posted on Thursday 24th June 2010

As a coffee drinker, you may not realize that coffee dramatically affects the environment as it makes its way to your cup.

Your coffee could have come from farmers that are using pesticides, cutting down forests, or relying upon other methods that impact the environment for the worse. But there is hope! Here are some criteria that you can look for to ensure that you choose sustainable coffee every time:

  1. Certifications: Official certifications like USDA Organic, Bird Friendly coffee, and the Rainforest Alliance seal will tell you that your coffee beans are environmentally friendly.
  2. Country: Many countries use the shade grown method for coffee crops, which preserves natural ecosystems. Some countries that produce more shade grown coffee than others are Bolivia, Ethiopia, Mexico, Nicaragua, and El Salvador.
  3. Roasters: Another easy way to make sure that your coffee is sustainable is by purchasing independently. Purchasing from large commercial coffee retailers almost always guarantees that the prices have been marked up and that the coffee has been purchased from large coffee plantations. It is best to purchase from independent roasters that buy sustainable and organic coffee to benefit the environment.

The bottom line is that you can make a difference when you choose coffee for your daily cup of Joe, but you have to purchase wisely!

For a great selection of Bunn coffee makers, check out Bethany North's website, The Coffee Bump.

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