10 Ways To Reuse A Plastic Bag

Jacalyn Clay – Contributing Writer
Posted on Monday 20th July 2009

We’ve all been sucked in. We’ve all given into that one little impulse buy. The reusable bag. However, forgetting to bring the bag to the grocery store is almost inevitable for most busy Americans.

For those of you who strive to take that extra step to save the environment, but can never remember to bring your reusable grocery bag, there are still ways you can go green. Here are 10 ways you can recycle your plastic bag and feel better about forgetting to bring your reusable bag to the store:

  1. We all have them. Tiny trash cans. Instead of spending four bucks on tiny trash bags, use your plastic bags.

  2. It happens to the best of us. Shampoo explosion. Use a plastic bag to pack your toiletries and guard your belongings from unwanted liquids.

  3. Sending something fragile? Use plastic bags to cushion your package.

  4. Use a plastic bag for tomorrow’s lunch bag.

  5. Hey, dog-lovers! This is an obvious one. Recycle your plastic bags by bringing them along when you take your furry friend for a walk.

  6. Bring along a plastic bag when you go on a road trip. No one likes a trash-filled car.

  7. Ease your kid’s boredom by using a plastic bag as a kite. Tie a string around the handles, wait for a windy day and Voila!

  8. Use a plastic bag to separate your dry laundry from your soggy laundry after a day at the beach.

  9. Headache? Use a plastic bag as an ice pack.

  10. If you’ve got a cat, use a plastic bag as a kitty litter liner.

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