7 Misconceptions About Green Lifestyle, Debunked

Martin Freeman is the Co-founder and Managing Director of PropertECO, a company that offers a wide range of services that focus on making buildings stable, environmentally friendly and compliant to safety standards.

Posted on Thursday 18th October 2018

“When you're green, your growing. When you're ripe, you rot.”

                                                                                                            - Ray Kroc

A sustainable lifestyle is gaining importance over the years due to the increase in awareness about the ill-practices, which are degrading the environment on a daily basis.

Although the need for a green lifestyle is evident, most people are unable to follow the right path because of certain myths. Some environmental-lovers claim to live a green lifestyle; however, they don’t know what they are doing. Due to such misconceptions, even the right practices are not followed correctly, and the ill-effects are increasing exponentially.

Some Interesting Facts For You

  • Every year, the US generates trash equal to the weight of the Empire State Building.

  • Over 50 million metric tons of e-waste is generated every year worldwide.

  • Recycling one ton of paper saves 4100 kilowatts of energy, 17 trees, 2 barrels of oil, 60 pounds of air pollution and 3.2 cubic yards of landfill space.

  • Over 50 million acres of rainforests are lost every year.

  • An average American’s carbon footprint is nearly the double of per capita average of an average non-American.

Read ahead to aware yourself about the various misconceptions of living a green lifestyle:

  1. Organic food will punch a hole in your pockets

Contrary to popular belief, organic food is not as expensive as it is presumed. Yes, even if you are on a tight budget, you can eat sustainably by choosing organic, local food products. Moreover, organic food is totally accessible; all you have to do is put in some efforts to find the right grocery store. Organic food is better for the soil, water, air as well as our body. So, instead of taking the easy way out and choosing packaged foods, full of preservatives, go organic; be a locavore.

  1. Non-biodegradable plastic is the only resort

Do you carry your own bags, Tupperware or water bottles when you go out to buy grocery or to eat at a restaurant? Most people don’t! This leads to their unwilling, yet very intentional consumption of plastic, in the form of water bottles, packaging material and carry bags. No, non-biodegradable plastic isn’t the only resort. You can carry recyclable bags, Tupperware and water bottles to avoid consuming plastic unnecessarily. So, it is your wish to choose between biodegradable plastic and non-biodegradable plastic; don’t blame the limitations of products.

  1. Eco-friendly home products are not efficient and difficult to find

What do you know about radon testing? Are your home appliances energy-efficient? Have you thought about reducing your carbon footprint by investing in eco-friendly home products? Eco-friendly home products are referred to items, which are not environmentally invasive, ethically & sustainably manufactured and devoid of toxic ingredients. E.g., cleaning supplies, furniture, kitchen appliances & utensils and toys, etcetera. No, they are not difficult to find or inefficient; however, most of these products require more substantial investment as compared to the eco-bling. Investing in such products will not only save the environment, reduce your carbon footprint and energy bills but will also keep your loved ones safe from chemical exposure.

  1. Plastic can be replaced with paper entirely

The most popular myth about green living is, “Paper is better than plastic”. As already mentioned above, recycling paper has more benefits to the environment than we can imagine. The debate about the paper is preferable to plastic is going on for many years worldwide; however, the facts speak otherwise. Some studies have shown that paper has more GHG emissions than plastic over its long lifetime. Paper is thicker than plastic, which translates to more energy consumption to manufacture it. So, instead of fighting over paper and plastic, prefer reusable cloth bags to do your bit for the environment.

  1. Green living is only about the environment

Most people believe that living a green lifestyle is only about the environment. What they forget to realize is that green living will also keep them and future generations healthy. Saving the Earth can be considered selfish (in a positive way), so instead of doing it for Mother Nature, do it for yourself and your children. With little efforts, you can increase many decades of resources and beauty of the Earth.

  1. Green lifestyle= reusing and recycling

Recycling and reusing are no doubt the best ways to safeguard the environment and control our consumption of resources; however, they do not define green lifestyle entirely. Precycling is also one of the paths that lead to living a green lifestyle. In simple words, the purpose of recycling and reusing does not state that one should limit their consumption or carbon footprint; it only emphasizes on the virgin material usage of a product or an appliance.

  1. One man cannot make a difference

“One man cannot make a difference”. This statement interferes with the approach towards a better lifestyle because human beings have a mentality, where they imitate each other. However, anything different discourages them and makes them feel uncomfortable. E.g., if you want to live a greener lifestyle and your friends/peers aren’t living one, then you will also end up imitating them. The ideology that you cannot make a difference alone is demoralizing and misleading. If one person in a neighborhood changes himself/herself and similarly, it happens around the world, then even a small percentage of our population, 7.7 billion people, is also a significant number. So, try to be unique and help the ideology of saving the environment by living a green lifestyle.


There is no right or wrong when it comes to desires; however, you have to be able to differentiate between desires and needs to reduce your carbon footprint and safeguard the environment around you. Doubts and misconceptions like the above are primary reasons why people are hesitant to go greener. Yes, greenwashing is challenging; however, if such myths are debunked more frequently, then a significant amount of the population can be lead towards a green lifestyle. We need to plant the seed correctly, i.e., help everyone get aware of the facts and the myths prevailing in the w exorld regarding green living.

                         Eat Green! Live Green! Go Green!

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